Rules for cricket – Excalibur electronic Corona Dart Board PL26 User Manual

Page 6

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Rules for


Cricket uses only the

numbers 15-20 and the
bull’s eye. Before any scor-
ing is possible, a player
must “open” one of these
numbers by hitting it three
times. (Doubles within the
numbers count as two hits
and triples as three hits. For
the purpose of opening the
bull’s eye, the outer bull
counts as a single, and the
inner bull counts as a dou-

Once one player opens a

number, he also “owns” it.
That player scores the indi-
cated number (including
doubles and triples of this
number) whenever he or
she hits it—until the other
player also hits the number
three times to “close” the
number (doubles and triples
count as in opening). Once
the number is closed, nei-
ther player earns points
when landing anywhere on
the number.

Each number must be

opened before any scoring
on that number is possible.
Numbers can be opened or
closed in any order.
“Calling,” or naming the
number a player is shooting
for, is not required.

A player wins when he

or she opens ALL the 15-20
numbers first AND has the
most points or is tied with
his opponent.

If a player has opened all

the 15-20 numbers first and
is behind in points, he or
she must continue to score
on any numbers the oppo-
nent has not closed. This
goes on until either the
player catches up in points
and wins, or the opponent
has closed all the numbers
15-20 and wins.

