Cheat sheet, 76 handy cheat sheet – Micron Technology MERIDIAN 850 User Manual

Page 76

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Handy Cheat Sheet

Here are some of the most often needed (and forgotten) notes.

CTRL + ALT + DEL ....................................................... Warm Reboot
Reset button, or
Power button ...................................................................... Cold Reboot
CTRL + ALT + S ........................................................... Access SETUP
CTRL + C .......................... Pause or Break an application or batch file

DOS Commands
COPY [filename] [drive:] [path] [newfilename] ................. copies a file
FORMAT [drive:] ........................................... erases and formats a disk
DIR [drive:] [path] ........... lists the files in a certain drive and directory
DEL [filename] ................................................................... deletes a file
MD [newdirectory] ............................................. makes a new directory
RD [directoryname] ........... removes and erases an empty, old directory
RENAME [oldfilename] [newfilename] .......................... renames a file
CHKDSK [drive:] .............................. displays a status report for a disk
CD [path] .............................................. changes to a different directory
CLS ............................................................................... clears the screen

Common DOS file extensions
.BAK backup file
.BAT ......................................................................................... batch file
.COM ................................................................. command program file
.EXE ................................................................. executable program file
.SYS ....................................................................................... system file
.INI ............................................................... Windows initialization file
.PIF ................................................. Windows program information file

README files ................................. text files with special instructions

Handy Cheat Sheet
