Copy pictures to your device, Edit pictures – Unitech PA950 User Manual

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Copy Pictures to your Device

You can copy .jpg pictures from your PC and view them in Pictures.

Copy the picture files from your PC to the My Pictures folder, within the My

Documents folder on your device. For more information on copying files

from your PC to your device, see ActiveSync Help on your PC.

You can also copy pictures from your PC to your device using a memory

card. Insert the memory card into the memory card slot on your device

and then copy the picture files from your PC to the folder you created on

the memory card.

Edit Pictures

You can rotate, crop, zoom, and adjust the brightness and color contrast of

your .jpg pictures.


to rotate a picture 90 degrees counter-clockwise.


to crop a picture by dragging and selecting the crop area. Tap

outside of the box to stop cropping.


to display the Zoom panel, from which you can zoom in or out of a

picture, or return a picture to full-screen size.

Tap Edit > Brightness and Contrast to adjust the brightness and contrast

levels of a picture.

Tap Edit > Undo to undo an edit.

See Also: Copy Pictures to your Device

Send Pictures
