Adding matrix content – Milestone Smart Client 3.6 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.6; User’s Manual

Examples of the same HTML page viewed with different
scaling values

Enable HTML scripting: Select only if the HTML page is a custom-made HTML

page to be used for navigating or triggering features inside the Smart Client itself
(see examples of such custom-made HTML pages in Using an HTML Page for Smart

Client Navigation on page 46).

If selected, a client script required for navigating and controlling a number of

features inside the Smart Client will be added to the HTML page. For HTML pages

which are not going to be used for such purposes, the client script cannot be used,
and may even cause the HTML page to malfunction.

Hide toolbar: By default, a simple navigation bar with is inserted

above each imported HTML page. The navigation bar has four

buttons; from left to right the buttons are Back, Forward, Refresh and Home. If you
do not want the navigation bar, you can hide it by selecting Hide toolbar.

Adding Matrix Content

Note: The ability to add Matrix content to views is available when connecting to selected Milestone
surveillance systems only; see Surveillance System Differences on page 100 for more information.

Milestone XProtect Matrix is an integrated product that allows distributed viewing of live video from
any camera on any monitor on a network operating with selected Milestone surveillance systems.

With a typical Matrix configuration, live images are automatically presented on the required

monitor when defined events occur, for example when movement is detected, or when another

user wishes to share important live images.

Provided Matrix has been configured on the surveillance system server, you are able to include

Matrix content in your Smart Client views. Thus, when particular events occur, or another user
wishes to share important occurrences with you, live images from particular cameras will

automatically appear in your views’ Matrix positions.

Which events or cameras are used in the Matrix setup depends entirely on the surveillance system

server’s Matrix configuration, or on what other users wish to share with you; you are not able to

control this in the Smart Client. However, you are able to add Matrix content to as many view

positions as required. This way you are able to watch live video from several Matrix-triggered
sources at the same time.

If you create a view with several Matrix positions, the positions are always ranked. When the first
image stream is received, Matrix automatically presents the image stream in the primary Matrix

position in your view. When the next image stream is received, a first-in-first-out principle begins

to apply: Matrix quickly transfers the previously received image stream to your view’s secondary
Matrix position, and presents the latest image stream in your view’s primary Matrix position, and

so on. This way, you can always watch the latest image stream, while maintaining the last few

previously received image streams in your view as well.

The positions’ ranking is applied automatically: the first Matrix position you add to the view will

automatically be the view’s primary Matrix position, the next one you add will automatically be the

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Setup of Views
