8 top menu option 9 (done) – Campbell Scientific PWS100 Present Weather Sensor User Manual

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Section 7. Operation

of the operating system or a hardware reset. The SDI-12 values of temperature
and relative humidity will be -999.00 if no such information is available such
as when no probe is connected to the SDI-12 port. The diagnostic mode shows
two values. The first value is the flag for the fuzzy diagnostic mode (0 or 1);
see Section 7.5.2, Retrieving Historical Data for more information. The second
value indicates the connection status of the calibration unit, 0 shows that the
unit is not connected and 1 shows that it is connected.

FIGURE 7-29. Information menu

7.4.8 Top Menu Option 9 (Done)

Choosing option 9 from the SETUP menu brings up the DONE menu (see
Figure 7-30). Here changes made can be saved before quitting (option 1) or lost
before quitting (option 2). Alternatively option 0 returns to the main menu.

