Office anywhere faqs and troubleshooting, Activation/set up, Gprs – BT HTC S710 User Manual

Page 42: Wi-fi & internet calling

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Activation/Set up

Do I have to pair with my Hub
every time I want to use it?

No, once you have connected your handset
it will remember the hub. You will still
have to turn the Wi-Fi on and off but
should require no other interaction.


I accidentally deleted my BT GPRS settings?

Go to Settings, Connections, GPRS, Menu, Add
Complete as follows:
Connects to: The Internet
Access point:
User name: bt
Password: bt

Wi-Fi & Internet Calling

I have not received a text with my settings

Ensure that you have the correct SIM in the
handset as only the one provided will allow you
to receive the settings. If you have the correct
SIM in the handset and no settings have been
obtained then turn the phone off and on again.
If you wish to force an update of your
settings then navigate to BT settings from
the Start menu. Click Update my account.

I can dial out on Internet Calling using my
BT Business Hub but the called party cannot
hear me and/or I cannot hear them.

Please disable the SIP Application
Layer Gateway on the BT Business Hub.
Use a web browser connected to the hub,
and click onto
In the Advanced field, click Configure Services link.
Remove the tick from SIP Application
Layer Gateway
box and press Submit.

Why does a different number show on other
people’s handset when I call them?

This is your Internet Calling number, you
can be called on this number but only when
you are connected to Wi-Fi and Internet
Calling is available and Selected. Callers will
always be able to reach you on your normal
mobile number provided you are in coverage
(mobile and/or Wi-Fi) so we recommend that
you give your contacts the mobile number.

Office Anywhere FAQs and Troubleshooting

Comprehensive and up to date help and support are available at

If a problem persists please call Customer Services.
For BT Business One Plan with BT Office Anywhere: 0800 032 8751 (outside UK +44 151 707 3719)
For BT Office Anywhere: 0800 678 1030 (outside UK +44 1793 593 447)


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