Caution, Cleaning and storage maintenance, Draining the oil – Bayou Classic 700-701 User Manual

Page 24: Cleaning the fryer

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• Wait for oil to cool to or below 115˚F (45˚C) before draining into a plastic container.

Hot oil can melt the plastic and cause personal injury.

• The weight of 4 to 4


gallons of oil creates downward pressure so S-L-O-W-L-Y open

drain valve to prevent spillage.


1. This fryer comes equipped with a drain hose that attaches to the drain valve. You may use, or not

use the drain hose, that is up to you.

2. Batter from frying settles down into the V-Bottom at the drain valve. It is recommended that you first

use a bucket to catch the loose batter as it drains.

3. Once oil begins to flow clear, you may begin draining back into the orginal containers.
HINT: Cooking oil may be used several times before needing to be replaced. The unique design of this

appliance allows the food batter to fall to the bottom below the heat source where it will not scorch.
The oil on the bottom of the appliance is cooler than the oil at the top. For this reason, the oil stays
cleaner longer. You should strain oil back into its container.


1. Position the bucket under the open drain valve and using a garden hose, rinse out the V-Bottom section

into the bucket.

2. Close the drain valve and add water into the fryer vessel up to the internal heat tubes. Add a dab

of dishwashing liquid and clean the interior with the sponge.

3. Drain the soapy water and rinse clean with garden hose.
4. Using a vegetable oil cooking spray, coat the interior to prevent rust.



Considersing the nature of the cooking task, clean-up is relatively simple. You need a garden hose, bucket,
dishwashing liquid and a sponge.
NOTE: You may first want to move the empty fryer to a clean-up area.

Eventually, burning cooking oil will self extinguish. Actual burn out time does vary but on average:

• A 12" skillet with 1/2" deep cooking oil will self extinguish in about 5 - 7 minutes after first flame emits.
• A cooking vessel with 3- gallons of cooking oil will self extinguish in about 20 - 25 minutes after first flame emits.

Either way a very large flame is raging long enough to spread fire to any combustible structure that it touches.

Another well known point is that cooking oil can be re-used. Most cooking oil brands recommend using oil 4 - 5 times if it is
strained, and can be stored in a cool dark place from 9 - 12 months.

During the storage period bacteria will form on poultry, fish or animal fats remaining in the oil. This bacteria is quickly killed
when the oil is re-heated. Prior to using again, it is recommended that you smell the cooking oil. If it smells unpleasant or
rancid, discard properly and use new cooking oil.

However, most people are unaware that used cooking oil has a reduced Smoke Point and Flash Point temperature due to partial
breakdown of the oil. (Partial break-down is caused by previous use and bacteria) Although safe for normal use, this is just
another reason to never, ever leave cooking oil unattended during heat up and cooking.

Cooking Oil facts to Remember:
• 100% Peanut Oil is considered a very stable cooking oil having a higher Smoke and Flash Point temperature than other

vegetable oils.

• Some cooking oil is sold as a "blend" of vegetable and peanut oil.
• Re-used Vegetable and Peanut Oil both have reduced Smoke and Flash Point temperatures.
• As a result, Flash Point temperature of cooking oil ranges from 550˚F to 700˚F.

Remember; Think Safety and use Common Sense when frying with cooking oil/grease.
