UVP GelDoc-Ite Imager User Manual

Page 8

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Registering the Software

1. Double click the VisionWorksLS

software icon on the desktop.

2. To activate the software, registration

is required. To immediately activate
the software online, choose On-the-
Fly activation
. If the computer is not
connected to the Internet, select
Offline activation and proceed to
the following page of this manual, or
call UVP to register the software.

3. Click Next to continue.

4. The Already have an activation ID

option is useful when reloading the
software after receiving an initial
activation code.

5. Complete all required information on

the form.

6. Fill out the Serial Number located on

the CD. The number should be four
sets of six numbers.

7. Once the form is completed, click on

Get Activation No. and then click
Activate once the Activation Number
appears in the box.

8. If the computer is not connected to

the Internet, click Offline activation
to register the software. This allows
the user to obtain the activation code
and enter it at another time.

9. Click Next to continue


10. Click the link provided and complete

the form to obtain registration
instructions. Click Finish.

This manual is related to the following products: