JK Audio innkeeper 4 User Manual

Page 9

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Serial Remote Control Commands

Multi-Tap Key Legend

These character sets are active only when entering the Name of your phone
book entry. While entering the phone number you will not have access to
alpha characters.

Control Keys:

< Clear last character

> Next / Accept current character

* Shift (press before each uppercase entry)

# Space

Character Keys:

1 . @ ? ! - \ , & : | 1

2 a b c 2

3 d e f 3

4 g h i 4

5 j k l 5

6 m n o 6

7 p q r s 7

8 t u v 8

9 w x y z 9

The ASCII commands listed on the following page can be entered through
the serial port on your computer by using the DB9 connector on the RIU.
Any terminal emulation program on your computer,
such as HyperTerminal, can be accessed using these parameters:

Baud rate = 9600

Stop bits = 1

Parity = none

Flow control = none

Notes: All commands begin with the ‘/’ character and will be executed on
next ‘/’or ‘Enter’.

The line number is set to ‘1’ by default and is changed by using the ‘Lx
parameter with the specified control command.

x specifies the line number (1 to 4)
v specifies the parameter value to be used for the command
y specifies the digit string used during manual dialing mode

Status information is automatically returned during incoming state changes
for the specified line number for the following line conditions: on-hook,
off-hook, incoming ring, and line hold.


Operation (continued)

Operation - Menu Display

Menu Display and Configuration Controls
The innkeeper 2/4 menu is controlled by the directional arrows, alpha
numeric keypad and Enter button. You may use either the arrow keys
to scroll through the menus or the keypad to directly select menus
and use the Enter button or the keypad to make your selections.
Through the menu you have access to the following configuration
settings. The () indicate the numeric entry used to access these
menus without scrolling. For example, to access the Call History
View menu directly, you would press 2, Enter, 1, Enter.

Phone Book (1) A 50 entry name and number phone book for stor-
ing speed dial numbers.

Phone Book View (1,1) Allows you to view name and phone num-
bers of added entries. You may dial the selected entry from this
menu by simply pressing the Call button on any phone line.

Phone Book Add Entry (1,2) You may add new entries from this
menu. After pressing Enter you will be prompted for the phone num-
ber. You may enter a 2 second pause in your phone number entry by
pressing the > key. Multiple > key presses will enter multiple 2 sec-
ond pauses. The display will show a "." between the numbers for
each 2 second pause entered. After the Enter key is pressed again
you will be prompted for the entry Name. Alpha characters may be
selected by using the multi-tap feature. For example, to enter the
character "a" you would press the 2 key. To enter "b" you would
press the 2 key twice. Hitting a new key, the Next> key or waiting 2
seconds will accept the current character and move the cursor for-
ward. See page 10 for multi-tap key legend.

Phone Book Delete Entry (1,3) Entries may be deleted individually
from this menu. You will be prompted to confirm delete of an entry.

Phone Book Clear (1,4) Press enter from this menu to clear all
phone book entries. You will be prompted to confirm your intent to
clear the entire phone book before deletion.

Call History
(2) Calls you place will automatically be entered into the
Call History menu. The Call History menu will hold up to 16 numbers.

This manual is related to the following products: