System limitations, Additional information – Sony MDS-S35 User Manual

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Additional Information

System Limitations


recording s\ steni in \ our MiniDisc deck is

rndicnlK’ ditterenl from those used in enssette and DAT

decks and is characteri/ed b\- the limitaticms described
below. Note, howex er, that these limitatiiMis are due to
the inherent nature of the MD recording sx stem itself
and not to meclianical causes.

"Disc Full" lights up even before the MD has reached the

maximum recording time (60 or 74 minutes)

When 235 tmeks hax’o been rea>rded on the MD, "Disc Full"

lights up regardless of the total recorded time. More than 233

tracks cannot be recorded im the MD. To continue recording,

erase unnecessarv tracks or use another recordable MD,

Limitations when recording over an existing track

• The correct remainirig recording time max' not be displax'cd.

• 3 ou max tmd U impossible to record ox er a track it that track

has been recorded ox'er sex eral times alreadx'. It this

happens, erase the track using tlie F’.rase Function (see page

• I'he remaining recording time max' be shortened oui ot

pia''portion to the tiital recitrded time.

• Recording ox'cr a track to eliminate noise is not

iwranmended since this max' shorten Iheduratiini the


• 3’ou max' tind it impossible to label a track xvhik' recording

ox er it.

The correct recorded/playing time may not be displayed

during playback of monoaural-format MDs.

"Disc Full" lights up before the maximum number of tracks

is reached

Fluctuations in emphasis within tracks are sometimes

interpreted as track interx als, incrementing the track count and

causing "Disc Full" to light up.

The remaining recording time does not increase even after
erasing numerous short tracks

Tracks under 12 seconds in length are not counted and sei

erasing them mav not lead an increase in the recording time.

Some tracks cannot be combined with others

Track combination max' become impossible when tracks are


The total recorded time and the remaining time on the MD
may not total the maximum recording time (60 or 74

Recording is done in minimum units of 2 seconds eacir, no

matter how shxirt the material. The contents recorded mav

tluis be shorter than the maximum recording capacity. Disc

space may also be further reciuced by scratches.

Tracks created through editing may exhibit sound dropout
during search operations.

Track numbers are not recorded correctly

Incorrect assignment or recording of track numbers may result

(I) when CD tracks are dix ided into several smaller tracks

during digital recording, or (2) while recording certain CDs

with the "1-FVEL'SY.NC" indication on (i.e., the automatic-

track marking function on).

"TOC Reading" appears for a long time

If the inserted recordable MD is brand new, "TOC Reading"

appears in the displax' longi’r than for MDs that have bei‘n


