Wilbur Curtis CGC User Manual

Page 9

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Programming – Recipes

Edit Recipe

A recipe consists of two adjustable features; water pulsing off and on times, and drip-out time.
The ‘Undo’ button will operate as for existing screens.
Changes are saved automatically upon on exiting.
Pressing the check mark button returns you to the ‘Recipes’ screen.
Buttons selectable are only LG/MED/SM, not Left/Right.

Recipes will be (by default) shown in the order they were created.

Up/down buttons will change order of recipes.
Right/left arrow buttons will go to next/previous screens of recipes.
‘New’ and ‘Copy’ buttons will create new recipe (or copy of selected recipe) AFTER the selected recipe.
‘Rename’ button will go to the ‘Enter Recipe Name’ screen.
‘Edit’ will go to the ‘Edit Recipe’ screen.
‘Delete’ will remove recipe.
‘Options’ will go to options screen .
Total number of recipes will be fixed at 20; when limit reached, ‘New’ and ‘Copy’ buttons will be disabled.
Recipe buttons on this screen will use the same icon buttons as used on main brew screen.
If recipes are disabled (in options screen), all buttons on this screen are disabled apart from ‘Options’ button.
