Pro-Link Lithofin MPP Marble Polishing Powder 120054 User Manual

Lithofin mpp

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Material Safety Data Sheet

Printed: 08.11.2004

Revised: 03.11.2004

Lithofin MPP



1 Identification of substance:

Product details:

Trade name: Lithofin MPP
Application of the substance / the preparation Cleaning agent / cleaner

GranQuartz, L. P.
P.O. Box 2206
Tucker, GA 30085-2206/USA

Information Department:
see above

Emergency Information:
information department

24-Hour Emergency Telephone Number:
1-800-255-3924 (USA & Canada) or 813-248-0585


2 Composition/Data on components:

Chemical characterization
Mixture of the substances listed below with non hazardous additions.

Dangerous components:
144-62-7 oxalic acid

50-100 %

RTECS: RO 2450000
All ingredients are listed.

3 Hazards identification

Hazard description: Harmful
Information pertaining to particular dangers for man and environment
May be irritant to eyes, respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes.
Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed.
NFPA ratings (scale 0-4)
Health = 2
Fire = 0
Reactivity = 0
Special: Acid

4 First aid measures

General information
Personal protection for the First Aider.
Immediately remove any clothing soiled by the product.
Symptoms of poisoning may even occur after several hours; therefore medical observation for at least
48 hours after the accident.
After inhalation
Remove victim from contaminated area. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, provide
artificial respiration. Call a doctor.
After skin contact
At first remove dust mechanically.
Clean effected skin thoroughly with water and a mild cleansing agent.
No residues shall remain on the skin.

This manual is related to the following products: