Maxim Integrated OneWireViewer, Version 1.5 User Manual

Page 13

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Sample Switch Tab

Switch Viewer Channel Commands

Toggle State (to toggle the state of the switch between on and off)
This command allows the switch's state to be changed through the 1-Wire network.

Clear Activity (to clear the channel's activity latch)
This command allows the switch's activity latch to be cleared through the 1-Wire network.

When the Switch tab is active, the Switch viewer:

Continuously reads the state of all channels of the selected device.

Automatically updates the state, level, and activity information in the Channels area.


To use a switch channel as a remote digital sensor, the switch must be off (State = false).

See the respective device data sheets for more details on how the individual channels operate.

A to D (Analog to Digital)

The A to D viewer gives a real-time voltage reading on the analog inputs of the selected 1-Wire ADC connected to the OneWireViewer. The user can select which
channels of a multichannel ADC are included in the polling.

The tab of the A to D viewer (for an analog-to-digital converter, ADC) consists of two areas: Features (top), and Channels (bottom). The Features area lists device-
specific characteristics. For each channel, there is a channel box in the Channels area. A to D Voltage shows the voltage reading of the analog input. Depending
on the size of the A to D tab and/or the number of channels, there may be scroll bars for both areas. The A to D viewer applies to devices that contain an ADC with
one or more input channels. See the Supported Devices table above for the list of devices.

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