Take readings, Change grade pole channel, Zero the grade pole – Ditch Witch OnGrade User Manual

Page 35: Initial, Ongrade operator’s manual

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Conduct OnGrade Bore - 34

OnGrade Operator’s Manual

Take Readings


Take Readings

Change Grade Pole Channel


With grade pole off, press and hold power button until grade pole comes on and blue light turns purple.


Look at indicator lights to determine current channel. Upper light is channel 1, center light is channel 2,
and lower light is channel 3.


Press depth button to cycle through channels.


Press and hold depth button once desired channel is selected.

Zero the Grade Pole

When grade pole is started up, all lights on the control box will blink. This indicates the grade pole must be


Lower the upper pole to the stop.


Press the depth button.

The lights will blink and only the blue light on the depth button will remain on.



Ensure the tracker and laser detectors are facing the laser and use tracker to locate beacon housing.
See tracker manual.


Once beacon housing is located, raise grade pole and watch three indicator lights on control housing.


Once the middle (green) light is on, press the depth button on the grade pole and then press the depth
button on the tracker.


The tracker display will switch to a screen with a virtual level bubble in the upper left corner if the
tracker picked up the depth information from the grade pole.

IMPORTANT: Repeat this procedure each time the tracker and grade pole are turned on.

IMPORTANT: The tracker might not pick up the depth information on the first try. Repeat step 4
until tracker switches modes.
