Dataman 530 Series User Manual

Page 32

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DATAMAN 530 series AWG

User’s Guide

Fig. 5.3.2. – Horizontal waveform position controls

Click “Reset” button to move the waveform back to the original position. Click
“Apply” button to apply changes made to the waveform.

The waveform can be edited by following two tools:

- The “freeform” mode is activated by clicking the

button. Keep left

button clicked on the screen and move the mouse to draw the waveform. If the “Allow
backtrack” is turned off, it is possible to draw only from the left to right.

Click “Apply” button to apply changes made to the waveform.

Fig. 5.3.3. – Direction of drawing

- The “Curve” mode is activated by clicking the

button. This mode

allows you to create the part of the waveform as the curve defined by specified points.
The “Curve” panel is displayed after this mode is selected. Clicking either top or
bottom screen creates new point of the curve.

Fig. 5.3.4. – Curve mode controls

If the “Wrap around” is turned on and there are the curve points at the start and end of
the waveform, changing the vertical position of any of these points will move other
one to the same position. This ensures, that the waveform will be continuous.

If the “Snap vertex” is turned on, the vertical position of the excessive points of the
curve copies original waveform. This ensures smooth connection to original
waveform (if editing only the part of the waveform).

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