User rule assignment – Adtec digital TBGS w/adManage User Manual

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Chapter 3 - Using adManage


User Rule Assignment:
To assign alarm rules to system users, you will need browse to

Alarm Management > User Rule (Fig. 3.8)

Figure 3.8

Select a Contact: You will need to select a contact or user to assign a rule to.
You will see the user’s name appear at the top of the screen.

Assigned Rules: The assigned rules panel will display all rules that have
been assigned to this user.

Available Rules: The available rules panel will display a list of all rules
available to the user.

To assign a rule to a user, highlight the user’s name. Select the

rule you wish to apply from the Available Rules list box and single-click
on the double left arrow to place it in the Assigned Rules list box. To
remove a rule, highlight the rule and single-click on the double right
arrow to place it in the available rule box.

Alarm Configuration:
To configure alarms, you will need browse to Alarm Management

> Configuration. (Fig. 3.9)

Figure 3.9

Mapped Drive Time-out: The frequency to check for mapped drive failures.
Marked in minutes. The recommended setting is ‘10’.

Mapped Drive Retry: If a mapped drive failure is found, this designates how
often to recheck for failure. Marked in minutes. The recommended setting
is ‘10’.

Verification Time-out: The frequency to check for current verifications
failures. Marked in hours. The recommended setting is ‘1’.

Verification Retry: If a verification failure is found, this designates how often
to recheck to see if failure still exists. Marked in hours. The recommended
setting is ‘1’.

Ready Time-out: The frequency to check for current RDY file failures. Marked
in hours. The recommended setting is ‘1’.

Ready Retry Time-out: If a RDY file failure is found, this designates
how often to recheck to see if failure still exists. Marked in hours. The
recommended setting is ‘1’.

Schedule Check Time: The time to check for schedules to exist for next day.
Format is 24 hour (ex. 16:00) The recommended setting is ‘16:00’.

Schedule Retry: If a schedule failure is found, this designates how often to
