Argox PA-20 Basic Programming Manual User Manual

Page 25

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PT-Basic Programming Manual Ver. 1.00



Purpose: To retrieve a given number of characters from the left side of

the target string.

Syntax: A$ = LEFT$(Str$, N%)

Example: Str$ = "ABCDEFGHIJK"


PRINT LEFT$("168IbB",3)

Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.

Str$ may be a string variable, string expression, or string


N% is a numeric expression.

If N% is larger than the length of Str$,the Str$ is returned.

If N% is zero, the null string is returned.


Purpose: To retrieve a given number of characters from anywhere of

the target string.

Syntax: A$ = MID$( Str$, N%[, M%])

Example: Str$ = "ABCDEFGHIJK"

PRINT MID$(Str$,5,3)

PRINT MID$("123& #168IbB",6,5)

Description: A$ is a string variable to be assigned to the result.

Str$ may be a string variable, string expression, or string


N% and M% are numeric expression.

This command returns a string of length M% characters from

Str$ beginning with the N%th character.

If M% is equal to zero, or if N% is greater than the length of

Str$, then it returns a null string.
