Optional ancillary equipment, Audio messenger interface, Building entrance protection barrier – GAI-Tronics SSM110 Card Rack Assembly User Manual

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Pub. 42004-669L2E

SSM110 Card Rack Assembly Installation, Operation, Maintenance Manual

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Optional Ancillary Equipment

Incorporating the optional equipment discussed below can expand the standard features of the SSM110
Card Rack. The configuration of the SSM Card Rack (quantity/types of interface cards) and desired
system features are the determining factors when selecting ancillary equipment to be used to with the
SSM Card Rack. Refer to drawing No.73158 listed in the Reference Material section for typical
interconnections between ancillary equipment and the SSM110 Card Rack. For additional information
and to purchase ancillary equipment please contact a GAI-Tronics representative.

Audio Messenger Interface

The Audio Messenger Interface (AMI) tone/speech generator broadcasts live pages, pre-recorded alarm
tones, and pre-recorded speech messages. The Audio Messenger Interface Configuration Tool (ACT)
software is used to define and change configurations for the AMI, and is included with all models of
AMI. To retrieve configurations and play audio messages, the AMI accesses a digital card pre-
programmed with the AMI Factory Default configuration. All audio is in MP3 format and custom speech
messages can be recorded and configured for use with the AMI.

The AMI includes eight configurable inputs and outputs. Typically, the inputs are configured to activate
alarm/process tones and/or pre-recorded speech messages, mute audio playback, and reset alarms. The
outputs are typically used to activate remote alarm systems, interface to automated processes, interface to
paging equipment, etc.

The Model 10959-103 AMI provides the ability to perform live speech pages from a telephone. For this
feature to function, the AMI must be connected to an analog station port of a PBX type telephone system,
or directly to a Central Office telephone line on the public switched telephone network (PSTN). To
prevent feedback, the AMI includes a built-in feedback eliminator. With this feature enabled, incoming
telephone pages are recorded and stored until the telephone connection is terminated. After the
connection is terminated, the AMI broadcasts the page. The delay between the recording and playback of
the page eliminates any possibility of feedback.

The Model 10959-103 includes a Page/Party


system interface card. This interface card provides the

capability to broadcast any audio generated by the AMI on a GAI-Tronics Page/Party


system. When

coupled with a telephone interface card, the Page/Party


card provides telephone callers access to full-

duplex line communications. Additionally, AMI models that include the 33-ohm Page/Party



card allow a telephone caller to direct the telephone call to a specific party line.

Building Entrance Protection Barrier

The Model 10434-202NA Building Entrance Protection Barrier provides secondary protection from
signal line transients and over-voltage conditions that may cause serious damage to indoor
equipment or injury to personnel.

This manual is related to the following products: