Probability, Current track button (randomness/probability) – Arturia BeatStep Pro MIDI/Analog Controller and Sequencer Kit with CV/Gate Cables (Black) User Manual

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5.5.2. Probability

The Probability value will determine how often the Randomness will occur. Its encoder has

a range of 0-100%, with 0% having no effect on the music.

At 100% probability, the pattern will be constantly random with the amount based on the

value set by the Randomness encoder.

At low probability settings the randomness might only change the rhythm or velocity

infrequently, maybe once every few bars. Lower probabilities will mean that much of the

pattern is not affected and will play as normal.

For example, if the Probability value is at 10%, then only 10% of the time something random

might happen. And if the value is increased to 50%, then random variations might happen

half of the time.

5.5.3. Current Track button (Randomness/Probability)

Each sequencer can have an independent setting for both the Randomness and Probability

parameters. To experiment with this, press the CURRENT TRACK button: any changes to the

Randomness or Probability settings after this will affect only the current sequencer. Then

you can select the other sequencers and edit their settings for these parameters as well.

To return all three sequencers to the Project's Randomness and Probability settings, toggle

the CURRENT TRACK button off within each sequencer.

: The CURRENT TRACK button is disabled in Control Mode.


Arturia - User Manual BeatStep Pro - Projects
