Operating elements, Prismbubble – Sachtler aktiv14T Touch & Go Fluid Head with SpeedLevel & 7-Step Drag (100mm) User Manual

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Operating Elements


The fluid head is fitted with an illuminating bubble level which allows

easy levelling in poor lighting conditions.

The head also features a prism to view the bubble when the head is

too high to view from above. This Prism also incorporates the On / Off


In addition the PrismBubble may be lit on its own or with the control

LED’s to enable setup up in low light conditions.

The illumination will be activated by pushing the bubble prism window.


Pressing the window briefly will turn on the level bubble LED for

approx.10s ± 1s.

2. Pressing and holding the window for >1s will turn on the level

bubble LED and all control LED’s for 20s ± 2s.

3. Pressing the window again when any of the illuminations are on,

will turn every LED off.
