About this manual and related manuals, Ship kit contents – Multitech ROUTE FINDER RFIPSC-1 User Manual

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RFIPSC Quick Start Guide


About this Manual and Related Manuals

This Quick Start Guide manual contains four chapters and one appendix, and is
intended to provide the experienced client user or system administrator with the
information needed to quickly get the SSH IPSec Client software up and running. The
full Sentinel SSH IPSec Client User Guide manual is provided on the SSH IPSec Client
CD-ROM included in the license pak.
Please address comments about this manual to the

Multi-Tech Publications Dept.

Related manuals may include add-on product documentation for options such as the
Windows PPTP client, the E-Mail Anti-Virus Upgrade, etc.
This document may contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and
operated by third parties. Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. is not responsible for the content of
any such third-party site.

Ship Kit Contents

The SSH IPSec Client License Pak is shipped with the following:

· one SSH IPSec CD-ROM
· one SSH IPSec Client License
· one printed Quick Start Guide manual
· one Multi-User Software License Agreement
· one Registration Card

If any of these items are missing, contact Multi-Tech Systems or your dealer or
distributor. Inspect the contents for signs of any shipping damage. If damage is
observed, do not install the software; contact Multi-Tech’s

Tech Support

for advice.

This manual is related to the following products: