MSI IM-945GSE SERIES MS-9830 User Manual

Page 60

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MS-9830 Mainboard

Parallel Port Address

Select an address for the parallel port.

Watch Dog

You can enable the system watch-dog timer, a hardware timer that generates
either an NMI or a reset when the software that it monitors does not respond as
expected each time the watch dog polls it.

Hardware Health Configuration

Chassis Intrusion

The field enables or disables the feature of recording the chassis intrusion
status and issuing a warning message if the chassis is once opened. To clear
the warning message, set the field to [Reset]. The setting of the field will
automatically return to [Enabled] later.

CPU Temperature, System Temperature, System Speed, VCORE,

These items display the current status of all of the monitored hardware de-
vices/components such as CPU voltage, temperatures and all fans

’ speeds.

System Fan Pin Select

This setting specifies the pin numbers of the system fan power connector.

System Fan Mode Setting

This setting controls the Smart Fan feature. Smart Fan is an excellent feature
which will adjust the CPU/system fan speed automatically depending on the
current CPU temperature to prevent your CPU from overheating.

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