Using device configuration – IBM iSeries User Manual

Page 29

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New Release Distribution

If you have user profiles and their authorities to objects set up on your target site systems, you probably
would not want to restore user profiles and authorities again.

For a new release installation, the target site system user profiles will remain intact using the installation

Using device configuration

Initial Distribution

To configure devices for target site systems, the central site system must know the resource names that
are assigned to the devices at each target site system. To get target site system resource names and do
the device configuration, use one of the following methods:
v Use automatic configuration to configure the devices at the target site system.
v Obtain the resource names for devices from the target site systems when they are installed. A printed

copy of the system configuration printout with resource names is available when the service
representative installs the target site system. You can also obtain this data by using the Display
Hardware Resource (DSPHDWRSC) command or the Work With Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC)
command. The central site system can now do the device configuration and one of the following:

– Send the configuration to the target site system.

– Include the configuration in a user library that is stacked on the distribution media.

v Create a pass-through environment in a user library on the distribution media. Instructions for creating a

pass-through environment are explained in the Alerts Support, SC41-5413.

Use the pass-through environment after the distribution is installed at the target site system. Then do a
remote sign-on and view the rack/system configuration data for the target site system. Construct the
device configuration for the target site system and use a control language (CL) program to create the
device descriptions at the target site system.

You could also use this pass-through environment to change other configuration management elements
such as:

– System values

– Network attributes

– User profiles

– Local and remote configuration lists

You can use the electronic customer support communications line (always LIN011) for your
pass-through environment.

New Release Installation

If device configuration has been done at the target site systems, you probably will not want to restore
configuration again.

Automatic Configuration

Target site systems could be installed and have local devices and controllers configured at the time of an
initial program load (IPL). This is done by using the automatic configuration option on the Set Major
System Options menu. This option creates device descriptions by using standard device names, device
names that are based on resource names, or System/36 names for the following:
v Local work station controllers
v Devices
v Tape units

Using central site distribution to install multiple iSeries servers

