Hints in general, Thorax – Siemens syngo CT 2005C User Manual

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Hints in General

• Topogram: TOP, 512 mm.

• Patient positioning: Patient lying in supine position,

arms positioned comfortably above the head in the
head-arm rest, lower legs supported.

• Contrast medium administration: in general, IV

injections are employed in all mediastinal examina-
tions, but not in routine high resolution studies of
diffuse interstitial lung diseases. An IV contrast
medium injection improves the vascular opacifica-
tion and facilitates the visualization of the lesions,
lymph nodes and the vessels.

• Stasis of contrast medium in the arm & superior vena

cava often result in high density streak artifacts
either in the region of the aortic arch or in the region
of the subclavian vein. A caudo-cranial (bottom to
top) scanning direction should be used to reduce this
artifact – by simply acquiring the data in this region
at the later phase of the spiral scan. In addition, if the
patient cannot hold his/her breath for the duration of
the entire scan, breathing motion will be less appar-
ent in the apex than in the lower lobes.

• CARE Bolus may be used to optimize the bolus tim-

ing. Set the ROI for monitoring scan in the aorta at
the level of the diaphragm with triggering threshold
of 120 HU, or use manual triggering.

C2-025.630.01.01.02_APPLICATIONGUIDE_SPIRIT.book Page 99 Friday, April 8, 2005 9:55 AM
