Prozone Pool Products CSS10 User Manual
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CSS10 Salt Generator Installation Manual - Rev. 11/01/05
Salt Level Testing:
1. You should test the salt level of your pool before calculating the Salt requirements you may need.
2. If a Salt test is not performed you may find later that too much salt will have been added and that this will then cause the
Chlorinator to not perform as intended.
3. If the pool has been treated with other forms of Chlorine – for instance Sodium Chloride – you may find that this process has
broken down into ‘salt’ and ‘water’.
4. For new pools with fresh clear water the test for Chlorine will not be required.
Instruction Manual:
1. Before performing any installation or operation, please read the enclosed instructions carefully.
2. This manual contains easy to follow step-by-step instructions and procedures to properly install and operate your new system.
3. The Prozone Salt Generator System is electrically powered – electrical installation should be by a licensed electrician – ensure
that all electrical connections are in proper working operation before operating this system.
4. Taking the time to properly install your new system will insure trouble-free installation and maximum performance for the future.
Congratulations! You have purchased one of the most technologically advanced Pool Sanitation Systems in the world – the
Prozone Ozonator/Salt Generator. The cleanest and most powerful solution in Sanitation and Oxidation requirements for your pool,
the benefits of which will be evident from the very first time using it and for many years to come.
The Prozone Company and its Research and Development personnel have been committed to producing and providing the finest
water sanitation systems to date, and are universally recognized as leaders in Ozonating/Salt Generation technology.
Prozone offers pool owners the ultimate in water sanitation and “Swimmer Friendly” clear water, in the Ozonating/Salt Generator
system, which contains the ‘marriage’ of the Salt Generation System and our Patented Ozonator System powered by our Patented VUV
Hybrid ARC.
The addition of an Ozonator/Salt Generator System as a method of treating your pool water, which is increasing in use world-
wide, provides you with a safe, clean and economical pool sanitation system for the future. Your new Prozone Salt Generator, with
Ozonator, will eliminate the need for you to store dangerous quantities of Chlorine; the daily use of manually added Chlorine dosing; and
the risks associated with these tasks, and will at the same time clean the water of harmful bacteria and chemicals.
Facts concerning salt water:
It has been said that mild salt water is gentle on the eyes and skin. It has also been said that it benefits Asthma sufferers and those
people who find conventional chlorinated pools irritating.
In seawater the salinity is approximately at 35,000ppm (parts per million). The human body has a salinity of approximately 4500
to 6000ppm, while fresh water is at zero. It is the similarity between the salinity of the human body and that of a pool Chlorinated with a
Prozone Salt Generator System (requires only 2000ppm) that allows pool owners, and their families, to experience the ultimate in water
sanitation, and “Swimmer friendly” clear water.