Prozone Pool Products CSS10 User Manual
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CSS10 Salt Generator Installation Manual - Rev. 11/01/05
Maintain proper salinity levels by using the following formulas to determine the additional amount of salt necessary prior to activating
your Salt Generator System:
1. Maintain a level of 2000ppm of Salinity in your pool for optimum performance of the Salt Generator Cell.
2. For every 1,000 gallons (3758 liters) in your pool add 21 pounds of salt.
3. For instance if the water in you pool is equal to 20,000 gallons then multiply 21 (Pounds of salt) times 20 (thousand
gallons) = 420 pounds of salt.
4. Use the following formulas to assist you in determining the size (gallons/liters) of your pool and the salt required:
a. Rectangular – Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5 (for gallons) or 1000 for liters.
b. Round – Diameter x Average depth x 5.9 (for gallons) or 785 for liters.
c. Oval – Length x Width x Average Depth x 6.7 (for gallons) or 893 for liters.
Type of Salt
1. Use food grade type of salt (evaporated and granulated) whenever possible.
2. Do not use salt that contains ‘Prussiate of Soda’ (Prussiate of Soda is an anti caking agent which contains iron). This type salt
may cause yellow stains on your pool or spa bottom if left there without being dissolved.
3. Use salt that is granular similar to table salt.
4. Do not use ‘rock salt’ which has dirt mixed in with the salt.
5. Calcium Chloride is not salt. Use only Sodium Chloride.
6. Water softener salt pellets (sodium chloride) may be used but will take longer to dissolve.
How to add
1. Never add salt to the ‘skimmer’ box. This will not harm your Prozone Salt Generator however the coarse salt granules may
seize the pump impeller.
2. Always disconnect any automatic cleaners before adding salt, and leave them off until all the salt has fully dissolved. Since the
salt solution is denser than the water it will remain on the bottom of the pool, and an automatic cleaner could be damaged trying
to operate through this dense solution.
3. When pouring bags of salt into pool, pour away from skimmer and suction points. Sweep and brush with a pool broom to help
the salt dissolve quicker. Keeps the pump operating during this process to maintain water circulation.
Free Chlorine:
A ‘free’Chlorine residual of 0.5ppm to 1.0ppm should be maintained at all times. This will vary only with respect to bathers in the
pool, debris falling into the pool, and the pools overall temperature. These factors will affect the demand for Chlorine and also the water
‘balance’ and ‘filtration’ effectiveness (refer to the equipment manufactures specifications with regard to the maximum Chlorine level
Testing for Chlorine:
Testing for Chlorine levels is very important and should be performed regularly by the pool owner, as well as a pool water
professional on a periodic basis.
Residual water test - The sample of water to be tested should be taken at arms depth away from the pool returns. This will avoid
highly chlorinated water coming from the Salt Generator cell, and ensures that the reading will be a true representation of the pool’s
‘residual’ water test.
Production water test – Testing for Chlorine ‘production’ is performed by taking a sample directly at the pool return, which is
water directly from the Salt Generator Cell, and should indicate a higher Chlorine level than the residual test showed.