Prozone Pool Products CSS10 User Manual
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CSS10 Salt Generator Installation Manual - Rev. 11/01/05
How the system works:
The Prozone Ozonator/Salt Generator System is comprised of two basic components: the Power Supply/Ozonator and a Salt
Generator Cell. Both are manufactured with full safety requirements, and of corrosion resistant materials (Titanium/Platinum, Aluminum,
etc.), to ensure years of trouble free use in outdoor and indoor environments.
It is within the Salt Generator Cell that an Electrolytic and Oxidation reaction occurs forming Sodium Hypochlorite (liquid
Chlorine). The liquid Chlorine begins to ‘Oxidize’ (kill) the pool water’s bacteria, algae, and other harmful matter in the pool water, and
reverts the liquid Chlorine back into Salt.
Small bubbles can be seen in the water passing through the Salt Generator Cell. These are ‘Ozone’ bubbles which pass along and
react with the Chlorine generated on into the pool return water.
Through the process described above no ‘salt’ is lost as the result of evaporation – since the Salt generator is constantly supplying
Chlorine as the system requires. There may be a requirement to ‘top off’ the salt level approximately twice a year because of the dilution
process of backwashing, or splashing out of the pool, or of a leak.
Note: if you pool is using abnormally large amounts of salt, you might check your pool or spa for leaks.
1. Always ensure that your pool/spa water is ‘balanced’ with regard to the pH content; total Alkalinity and Calcium hardness,
otherwise corrosive or scaly conditions may result, which can lead to equipment inefficiencies or damage. The resultant water may cause
staining and mineral deposits, and the Chlorine effectiveness may be compromised along with bather comfort.
2. Regular testing of the pool/spa waters is imperative. A free Chlorine level of 0.5ppm to 1.0ppm should be maintained along
with a periodic manual ‘shock’ dosing to effectively remove any contaminants.
A correctly sized Chlorinator will meet these normal requirements of your pool.
3. The breakdown of Chlorine by UV light from the sun is so significant that it is strongly recommended to use Cyanuric acid (a
Chlorine stabilizer) to reduce environmental impact, and keep to a minimum Chlorine loss. Keep the CYA at between 50 – 80ppm. If the
‘ppm’ reading is higher than 80ppm then drain the pool until you reach a 50ppm reading.
4. Although regular acid cleaning is not generally required, should mineral deposits build up on the cells of the Salt Generator, for
further advice instructions are included for Hcl injection.
5. Limit the use of Copper or Bromine based Algaecide products in your pool. Consult your pool professional for advice on the
use of these types of product.
6. It is generally recommended to run the pool pump, and Salt Generator, from a minimum of 8 to 12 hours a day. This
requirement will be affected by the demand placed upon the residual Chlorine level by either the environment, or the bathers.
7. Always disconnect automatic pool cleaners before adding salt. Note: Salt must be fully dissolved before turning on the pool
8. Please read the entire Owner’s Manual, and should you have need of advice please seek it from a pool installation professional,
or from [email protected].
9. It is important to understand not only the operation of your Prozone Salt Generator, but also basic water chemistry in order to
ensure the pool, equipment, and you, your friends and your family enjoys healthy swimming pleasures. The following points will help you
understand more fully the operations of a pool and its Chlorine applications.
Before adding salt to your pool it is recommended that you balance the chemicals in the pool (See section titled “Understanding
the Chemistry).
The following pre-salt procedures will help you properly transition to the use of the Prozone Salt Generator system and will make
your overall system problem free.
1. If your pool is brand new, it is recommended that you wait a period of one to two weeks for any plaster to properly
cure and set prior to adding salt, however you can operate the Prozone Ozonator/Salt Generator system with settings set
to zero.
3. If ‘Biguanide’ sanitizers have been used in your pool, the ‘Biofilm’ may eject into the pool and clog the filter system.
All traces of Biguanide must be removed prior to using the Salt generator.
4. Next measure the salt content in your pool.