Napco Security Technologies Alert 800 User Manual

Page 5

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Each security system is custom tailored to the owner’s needs, but all MAGNUM

have the following:


Your system contains up to six

When any zone is activated,

separate zones. Each zone is
an independent circuit that pro-

Lets you perform the following

functions: arm/disarm the system;

tects specific areas of your home.

check the status (condition) of

and/or alerting a central station

For example: your

cialist may have set aside a zone

each zone; temporarily shunt

(optional). Your alarm specialist

move individual zones from the

has programmed your system

for window protection, exit/entry

system); and send an emergency

to react in a specific manner to

delay, interior space protection,

alert to a Central Station(optional).

each type of emergency. Be sure

safe and valuables protection

you understand how your system

or emergencies. Each zone can

responds to these emergencies.

be “programmed” to react in a
specific manner. Check and be
certain that you know what each
zone protects.

This manual is related to the following products: