F updating receiver firmware, F.1 system requirements, F.2 utility installation – Novatel SUPERSTAR II OM-20000077 User Manual

Page 64: F.3 registration key, Figure 16: update registration window in dos, Update registration window in dos, Appendix f updating receiver firmware

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SUPERSTAR II User Manual Rev 3

Appendix F

Updating Receiver Firmware

The software update utility is specially designed to provide an easy way to update your SUPERSTAR II
software and model. The software package includes the following items:

An update utility, usually called update.exe (may be named otherwise)

An activation key

An application note containing the instructions as they are in this appendix


System Requirements

Before you use the update utility, make sure your computer is IBM PC-compatible with the following
minimum system requirements:

Intel-compatible 486DX-66 MHz CPU or higher

One standard serial port

Windows 95 operating system or higher


Utility Installation

Follow the steps below to install the Update utility:

1. Create a folder on the PC and name it “Update” for the Update utility installation. The folder name

is not critical, but avoid names that are over 8 characters long.

2. Copy the Update utility executable file (update.exe for this example) into the newly created folder.

3. Select Run from the Start menu and press the Browse button to locate update.exe in the Update

folder. Select update.exe, press the Open button and then OK.

Alternatively, you can create a shortcut to the update.exe program on your desktop.


Registration Key

Figure 16: Update Registration Window in DOS

Contact NovAtel Inc. with the number that appears on your screen to obtain your registration key, see Figure
above. Contact inform
ation can be found on Page 9. Follow the steps below to enter the registration key:

1. Copy and paste the registration key from a text file or the Customer Service e-mail. Right-click on

the left corner of the DOS window, and select Edit | Paste, see Figure 17 on Page 65. The
registration key can also be entered manually.

2. Press <Enter>.

The registration key contains your host computer information. Only the computer that originally generated

the ID number that you sent to NovAtel, is able to run the update.exe program. If you have multiple
updates or upgrades, you must do them all from this one computer.

NovAtel Inc.
