Ction cards in the, Tack – Rio Grande Games El Grande Decennial 80 User Manual

Page 9

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2 S


The following applies to all 2 cards: the player may move a maximum of 2
Caballeros from his court into regions adjacent to the King's region or into the
Castillo. Furthermore, the indicated special action is either executed or prevented.

The following are the special actions:

Veto! You can prevent one special action during this round or the next round.
Announce your objection as soon as the player starts to execute his special
action. (2 cards)
When you select the veto card, place it before you on the table and use it when
you want to prevent the execution of a special action. You can prevent only one
special action. You cannot prevent a player from moving Caballeros onto the
board as specified in the second part of the action card. You may only prevent a
special action if you hold the Veto! card and the special action is not yet complete.
You may also prevent only part of a special action. When a player has played a
Veto! card, others must announce their special actions before executing them. A
player with the Veto! card may use his veto to stop an action he has heard before
it is executed. The veto prevents the remainder of the special action. After you
have played the veto, the card is discarded. If you have not used the veto by the
end of the next round, it is discarded in any case.

Decay of Authority: your fellow players must send all of the Caballeros in
their courts back to the provinces.
Any player with no Caballeros in his court sends none to the provinces.

Decay of Authority: each fellow player must send 3 Caballeros from his court
back to the provinces.
Any player with fewer than 3 Caballeros in his court sends all Caballeros in his
court to the provinces.

The King returns! Your fellow players each must send 3 Caballeros back to
the provinces. Each can take them from any regions and/or from his court.
Each player, starting with the player to the left of the player who played the
special action and continuing clockwise around the table, must send 3 of his own
Caballeros back to the provinces. The players may not take Caballeros from the
King’s region or the Castillo.

You send 1 Caballero from any region from each player back to the provinces.
You decide which Caballeros must return to the provinces, including one of your
own. You may not take Caballeros from the King’s region or the Castillo.

Your fellow players must remove 2 of their own Caballeros from any region
and send them back to the provinces. Decide secretly!
All players must simultaneously select a region with their secret disks. The
selected region must contain at least 2 of their Caballeros. If a player only has at
most one Caballero in any region then he must select such a region. The players
may not take Caballeros from the King’s region or the Castillo.

- 9 -

You can prevent one

special action during this
round or the next round.

Announce your objection

as soon as the player

starts to execute his

special action.

Decay of Authority:

your fellow players must

send all of the Caballeros
in their courts back to the






Decay of Authority:

each fellow player must

send 3 Caballeros from

his court back to the



The King returns!
Each player must send
3 Caballeros back to
the provinces. Each can
take them from any
regions and/or from
his court.

You send 1 Caballero
from any region from
each player back to the



Your fellow players

must remove 2 of their

own Caballeros from

any region and send

them back to the

provinces. Decide


