7 initial setting – DVico TVIX PVR R-2230 User Manual

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Ultimate PVR with HD Digital Jukebox


3.7 Initial


Connect the TViX with your TV using A/V cables and turn on the TViX. You can see this process when

you turn it on for the first time or when you select “Load Default Setting”.

You may see the initial page on your TV screen as the picture below, then press the “OK” button on the

remote controller.


In case of HDMI connection : The TViX sets to the best resolution automatically and leads you to
the next stage, “Language setting”.


In case of other connections : The TViX changes screen resolutions as NTSC - PAL - 480P -576P in
about every three second, so press the “OK” button when you can see a clear screen.

Select your language or the language you want to choose.

Now you can see the TViX main page.
