Finding a destination, Following your route, Playing mp3 files playing audible books – Garmin StreetPilot 7200 User Manual

Page 2: Viewing the map and other helpful pages, Setting a home location, Playing videos, Viewing and avoiding traffic events, Playing xm radio, Adjusting the volume, Using the remote control

Finding a destination, Following your route, Playing mp3 files playing audible books | Viewing the map and other helpful pages, Setting a home location, Playing videos, Viewing and avoiding traffic events, Playing xm radio, Adjusting the volume, Using the remote control | Garmin StreetPilot 7200 User Manual | Page 2 / 2 Finding a destination, Following your route, Playing mp3 files playing audible books | Viewing the map and other helpful pages, Setting a home location, Playing videos, Viewing and avoiding traffic events, Playing xm radio, Adjusting the volume, Using the remote control | Garmin StreetPilot 7200 User Manual | Page 2 / 2