Manhattan 525510 Range+ 150N Wireless Adapter - Manual User Manual

Page 13

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On the next screen you can define the maximum translation output power (Tx Power)

of the wireless adapter. While you would normally leave the setting as “Auto” or

“100%” in situations where you do not want to have your signal travel so far (e.g.,

because you live in an apartment building), you can choose a lower value. After

all, being able to receive a wireless signal is the first step in a successful attempt

to break into the network. In other words: Why would you want to broadcast your

wireless signal all over your neighborhood when your wireless access at home

works fine when it’s set at “50%” for output power?

The option “Use RTS Threshold” is disabled by default. Unless you experience

problems with your wireless connection, or if the signal strength is generally very

low, this doesn’t need to be enabled. If you experience poor wireless performance,

you can try using values between 1200 and 500, and below 500 in severe cases.

The option “Use Fragment Threshold” has a similar impact on poor wireless

connections. By default it is disabled and should remain so. The fragmentation

threshold is used to set the maximum size of packets that a client will send. The

smaller the maximum sizes the better the reliability of the wireless connection, but

the performance is likely to decrease at lower levels.
