Main menu 19, Cursor, Scroll bars – Audiovox NAV3000 User Manual

Page 17: Character input, City:_ ok ¡ ¢ £ abcdefghijklm o pqrstuvwxyz— n

background image


The cursor is used to select menu options or
characters. It is shown as white characters on black

For moving the cursor use the cursor keys
8, 2, 4 or 6.

Confirm your selection by pressing the OK key.


The cursor is briefly displayed as a frame around
the selected field.

Options currently not available are shown in faint.

Scroll bars

Several menus have more than four options.
In this case a scroll bar with black arrows is displayed
on the left margin of the screen.

Move the cursor to a menu option on the upper
or lower margin of the screen using the cursor

8 or 2.

Continue pushing the same key.


Further menu options are shown automatically.

Character input

Names are entered by selecting characters from a list.
This kind of character entry will simply be called
“keyboard” further on in the manual.

To select a character place the cursor on the
desired character by using the cursor keys

4, 6,

8 and 2.

Confirm your selection by pressing the OK key on
the remote control.

Characters which are not available are skipped automatically.

Input options

During character input the following options are also available.

Place the cursor on one of the following icons:
¡ : Delete the last entered character.
¢ : Display a list of database entries.
OK : Confirm the last entered character sequence.
£ : Quit data input and return to the previous menu.




Menu title

Active option 1

Active option 2

Active option 3

Inactive option

Menu title

Active option 2

Active option 3

Active option 4

Active option 5



¡ ¢




