Jump in: add transitions between clips, Jump in, Add transitions between clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 159: Add transitions between clips jump in, Getting ready

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Chapter 8

Adding Video Filters and Transitions


Add Transitions Between Clips

Jump In:

You can use video transitions to make visually effective changes between clips. Next,
you’ll try adding transitions to the sample clips and get acquainted with the variety of
transitions you can use. When you add a transition to a cut between clips, the transition
looks similar to this in the Timeline:

Transition between clips

Getting Ready

Choose File > New > Sequence to create a new empty sequence in your project.


Name the sequence “Transitions” and press Return.


Double-click the Transitions sequence to open it in the Timeline.


Double-click Sample Clip 1 in the Browser to open it in the Viewer.

