Yokogawa HIMHART User Manual

Page 17

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The Interface Solution Experts



Smart HART


Interface and Monitor

Configuring Analog Output Trimming


Analog Output Trimming section of the software

allows you to match the HART monitors analog output
to the output measured by a calibration device. This
will require a calibrated multimeter, such as a HP Model
3478A or equivalent, accurate to ±0.009%.


Trimming the analog output of the monitor

nullifies any scaling that may have been

performed in the Scaling tab.

User Trimming
To trim the device, attach a multimeter to the analog
output, then click the

Fix Output at Low Point button.

Read the value on the multimeter, enter it into the
Measured Output Loop Current portion of the Trimming
box, and press

Trim. Repeat this sequence until the

analog output matches the minimum point (4mA for a
4-20mA output) when you click the

Fix Output at Low

Point button.

After the low point is trimmed, press the

Fix Output at

High Point button. Read the value on the multimeter,
enter it into the

Measured Output Loop Current portion

of the

Trimming box, and press Trim. Repeat this

sequence until the analog output matches the
maximum point (20mA for a 4-20mA output) when you
click the

Fix Output at High Point button.

When finished, press the

Unfix Output button.

Figure 13. Trimming Window

Fix Current Utility

Fix Current Utility allows you to force the HIM to

output any current value from 0-20mA. This can be
used to match the calibration of your other equipment.
To fix the current, simply enter the value in the


box (in mA) that you want the HIM to output, and click
Fix Output. When you are finished, make sure to
press the

Unfix Output button so that the HIM can

return to normal operation.

This manual is related to the following products: