Hygrocontrol manual for type 86 ex page – COSA Xentaur Hygrocontrol Type 86 Ex User Manual

Page 11

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3. Operation

Series 86-EX Humidity and Temperature Meters detect relative Humidity
and Temperature. For this purpose the interchangeable probes are
equipped with a capacity type humidity sensor of very small mass. The
temperature detection is done by a RTD of type Pt-1000, which is placed
very close to the humidity sensor to avoid differences in temperature
between the two sensors. To assure rapid response to temperature
changes, a thinfilm Pt-1000 on a substrate of ceramic was chosen.

The instruments have 3 operational modes which are:


„MEASURING" means that values of temperature and humidity are
detected, compensated, linearized, transfered into current or voltage
outputs and - if display option is installed - shown on the display.

„CALIBRATION" allows the user to recalibrate the sensor characteristic
at different fixpoints realized by unsaturated Lithium-Chlorid-Solutions (or
any other humidity standards of known values) and stored in a memory of
the probe. As the sensor characteristic normally is not a totally linear one,
the accuracy of the probe can be improved, when you calibrate more
fixpoints over the range of 0 to 100 %RH.

„CONFIGURATION“ is an instrument to change the ranges, output limits
and dimensions of humidity and temperature.

The elements to operate the instrument and step into the modes
PC-board inside the transmitter housing. They are identified by „X4", „S1"
and „H2/3/4". In the following chapters they are also named by an
additional name:

- Code Switch "S1"

- Jumper "X4"
- LED’s "H2/3/4"

When arriving at your location, the instrument is setup by factory to
„MEASUREMENT" mode. Therefore the jumper „X4" will be in position
„M" and the Code Switch „S1" in position „0".

Humidity probes are factory calibrated at 7 (Class „B”) or 8 points (Class
„A”) - so it is set to highest possible accuracy after shipment. Instruments
with display have their operating elements under the display (hidden by
the cover of the housing. Operating is then done by means of 4
pushbuttons with help of a the microprocessor and a dialog oriented

HYGROCONTROL Manual for Type 86 Ex Page

