Hygrocontrol manual for type 86 ex page – COSA Xentaur Hygrocontrol Type 86 Ex User Manual

Page 20

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If no further calibrations are wanted, replace the calibration chamber now
by the filter of the probe.


Escape the running Calibration

If you want to interrupt the calibration procedure after the LED „H3” is
already in a steady state, turn the code switch „S1” in any other position
and put the code bridge „X4” to „M” position. Now you may turn the code
switch „S1” back to „0”.

If you want to interrupt the calibration procedure during the LED „H3” is
still blinking put the code bridge „X4” to „M” position. Now you may turn the
code switch „S1” back to „0”.


Delete all stored Calibration Values

A special software named "DELETE" is installed which allows you to
cancel an old calibration totally, before recalibrating a probe. This
procedure must be done, when tests show a deviation of standards of
more than 5% rel. Humidity. In this case, check the sensor by visual
inspection. If no mechanical defects occured, and no layer of dust or other
contamination is found, a new calibration is required.

To erase all calibration points with function "DELETE", turn the code
switch „S1” to position „F” and put the code bridge „X4” to „P” position.
Now the LED „H3” is blinking fast. To verify the delet function you now
must change the code bridge quickly to „P”, then „K” and then again to „P”
position. Only after that the calibration data in the memory will be deleted.


Operational Mode „CONFIGURATION”

To allow the test of all functions of the instrument and to change the
configuration of dimensions, outputs and ranges, a software called
„CONFIGURATION” is provided. To activate this software the code
switch „S1” must be turned to a position according to table 2, and the
code bridge "X4" is then to be put into position „K”. Depending on the
„S1” position different actions will be possible - LED „H3” indicates the

HYGROCONTROL Manual for Type 86 Ex Page

