Creating l1 and l2 pairs with different topologies, Creating l1 and l2 pairs with, Creating l1 and l2 pairs – HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 40

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In the Confirm window of the Create Pairs wizard, complete the following and then click Apply:

For Task Name, type a name for the task.

Default: date-window name

Character and symbol limit: 32 alphanumeric except / : , ; * ? “ < > |

Case sensitive: Yes

For Go to tasks window for status, select to open the Tasks window.

The BC pair is created and the status is “PAIR”.

Related topics

“Pair splitting methods” (page 46)


“Changing BC pair options” (page 44)


“Viewing pair information for local replication” (page 61)


Creating L1 and L2 pairs with different topologies

Begin creating a pair by specifying the L1 and L2 pair topology in the Select Pair Configuration
window of the Create Pairs wizard.

Specify the pair topology one time. This topology applies to all P-VOLs in the task.

To change L1 and L2 pair configuration, set the topology for the pair with the largest topology.

The following image shows an example of the P-VOL with the largest topology of all the pairs you
create in a single task.


Managing Business Copy pairs

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