Workflow for ensuring data consistency, Workflow for quickly splitting existing pairs, Workflow for ensuring data – HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 47

background image

(The status of the L1 pair if you are splitting, or creating and immediately splitting, an L2
pair) “PSUS”

(The status of all pairs in a CG that you want to Quick Split) “PAIR”

If you want to split an L1 pair that has L2 pairs, make sure the pair status is supported (see

“L1, L2 pair status and supported pair user tasks” (page 65)


If you are concerned with host server I/O performance, check to make sure the I/O load is

For more information about checking I/O performance-related information, see the HP XP7
Remote Web Console User Guide

Related topics

“Quick Split and Steady Split performance planning” (page 16)

“L1, L2 pair status and supported pair user tasks” (page 65)

“Guidelines for maximizing host server I/O performance” (page 17)


Workflow for ensuring data consistency

Use the following workflow to ensure data consistency before splitting the pair:


Ensure the pair is not paired (“PAIR” status).


Complete the update copy with a host I/O.


Stop write operations from the host server to the P-VOL.

Workflow for quickly splitting existing pairs

Use the following workflow to quickly split an existing pair:


Stop host access to the P-VOL.


Split the pair.

For more information about splitting BC pairs, see

“Splitting BC pairs” (page 48)


Splitting BC pairs


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