Cvs operations, Starting cvs operations, Customized volume pane – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 65: Parity group - ldev tree

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LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the XP1024/XP128


If the XP disk array has firmware version 21.06.22 or later installed, you can reset an unregistered LUSE

volume to the state before it was created. However, you cannot recover any LUSE volumes that have been

released already to the state when they were created. If the LUSE volume that you have created consists of

any LDEVs (those in blue bold italics) that have once been released from a different LUSE volume, you can

only reset your LUSE volume to the state when the constituting LDEVs were released from the other LUSE



In the Volume Management pane, select the CU number from which you want to reset an unregistered

LUSE volume. The LDEV Information table shows all LDEVs that the selected CU contains.


In the LDEV Information table, right-click an unregistered LUSE volume (displayed in blue bold italics)

and select Reset Selected Volume. A confirmation message appears.


Verify the information in the dialog box and click OK. The unregistered LUSE volume will be reset to

the state before this LUSE volume was created. The LDEV Information table displays the LUSE volumes

or the LDEVs constituting the selected LUSE volume that has just been reset.

CVS operations

Before beginning CVS operations, put the volumes in an offline state or unmount them (deallocate LUN

Users belonging to the Administrator and StorageAdmin groups can perform CVS operations.

Starting CVS operations


Click the Volume Management button (

). The Volume Management pane appears.


Click the Customized Volume tab. The Customized Volume pane appears.

Figure 32

Customized Volume pane (Volume Management screen)

Customized volume pane

Parity Group - LDEV tree

This tree shows a hierarchical structure of a disk group number (Box 1), parity group numbers (for

example, 1-1), RAID levels (for example, 3D+1P), and VDEV numbers (for example, 1-1-1).
An LDEV number that ends with a # indicates that the LDEV is an external LU (for example, 00:01#).
The RAID level is left unspecified with a hyphen (-) when the LDEV is an external LU.

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