Memory capabilities, Rom capability, Rom capability 1 – Apple LaserWriter Select 310 Printer User Manual

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LaserWriter Select 310 Hardware

Memory Capabilities


Memory Capabilities


The standard configuration of the LaserWriter Select 310 printer comes with 1MB of ROM
and 1.5 MB of DRAM. Figure 1-6 shows the positioning of the DRAM and ROM on the
printer’s main circuit board.

Figure 1-6

The ROM and DRAM locations on a printed circuit board

ROM Capability


The LaserWriter Select 310 printer has a single ROM installed on the board. It
is an 8-megabit, 42-pin masked ROM, and it stores the diagnostic software, fonts,
and PostScript interpreter required by the printer. Currently you cannot expand
ROM capacity.

SIMM card slot


512K x 8

8-megabit ROM

Centronics connector

32-bit interface
to microprocessor

512K x 8

256K x 16

Serial port

Detail of SIMM card

8 256K x 4 DRAMs provide 1 MB of storage.
8 1 megabit x 4 DRAMs provide 4 MBs of storage.

Note: You must use 32-bit wide SIMMs.

72-pin SIMM card accomodates
up to 8 DRAM devices. Layout of
devices on board depends upon

Pin 1

Pin 36

Pin 37

Pin 72
