Using telenav, The telenav menu, Navigation and directions – Telenav for AT&T Supported Devices: v4.1 for Palm Treo 750 User Manual

Page 15: Static route and map summary modes

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7. Using TeleNav

The TeleNav Menu

The TeleNav Menu selections are a) Navigation, b) Biz Finder, c) Map, d)
GPS Tools, e) Preferences, and f) Support. You Exit TeleNav from this menu
by pressing the Exit button. You can return to TeleNav Home using the Menu
key from elsewhere within TeleNav.

Navigation and Directions

If the handheld is not registered, upon attempting to use this service, you will be directed to the registration process
described above.

Upon entering Navigation, the destination Address Selector form described above appears first. You select, find, or
enter an address, and are taken to the destination address confirmation screen.

On the trip confirmation screen you can change the route origin or you can change the route type (fastest, shortest,
avoid highway, prefer highway or pedestrian.)

When you are ready to get the route select Go.

The first option is “Current Location”, and the second option is “Somewhere

Selecting the first option invokes the Navigation function using your current
location determined by getting a GPS fix as the origin. There will be brief activity
to get an up-to-the-minute GPS location fix, followed by a network transaction
while the handheld sends the fix and destination address to the TeleNav servers
that respond with the routing data.

Selecting the second option takes you to the origin Address Selector so you can
pick, find, or enter the origin address. (These screens are shown above).

Static Route and Map Summary Modes

If you specified “Somewhere else” while on the trip confirmation page and entered in a different origin address there
will be brief activity message displayed when the directions are downloaded.

A static route view will then be displayed, similar to the route summary view shown above. To view a map
summary of your trip press the Menu key and select Map Summary.


The map summary mode is only available when accessing static routes.

© TELENAV 2003-6

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