MagTek USB MagneSafe Swipe and Insert Reader V5 User Manual

Page 21

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Section 3. Operation


Example 1 – Power Up followed by Authentication and good swipe:

1. Reader Powers Up (State = WaitActAuth:PU). This is typically right after the

USB connection becomes available to the application. Application should
send the Get Reader State Command to discover the current state of the

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:PU). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the transition
to the WaitActRply:PU state.

3. Host sends valid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitSwipe:PU). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the transition to
the WaitSwipe:PU state.

4. User Swipes a card correctly (State => WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). Reader

sends the card data to the Host inferring the transition to the
WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe state.

Example 2 – Reader times out waiting for swipe:

1. Reader waiting (State = WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). This is after a good

swipe. Application may send the Get Reader State Command to discover the
current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.

3. Host sends valid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitSwipe:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC = 0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitSwipe:GoodSwipe state.

4. Timer expires (State => WaitActAuth:TOSwipe). Reader sends “card data” to

the Host with no data, just a report about the Time Out (see


Encryption Status

), the Host infers the transition to WaitActAuth:TOSwipe


Example 3 – Host sends invalid Activation Challenge Reply command:

1. Reader Waiting (State = WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). This is after a good

swipe. Application may send the Get Reader State Command to discover the
current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC=0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.

3. Host sends invalid Activation Challenge Reply command (State =>

WaitActAuth:FailAuth). Reader responds with RC = 0x02 or 0x04 inferring
the transition to the WaitActAuth:FailAuth state.

Example 4 – Host waits too long sending the Activation Challenge Reply command:

1. Reader Waiting (State = WaitActAuth:GoodSwipe). This is after a good

swipe. Application may send the Get Reader State Command to discover the
current state of the reader.

2. Host sends valid Activate Authenticated Mode command (State =>

WaitActRply:GoodSwipe). Reader responds with RC=0x00 inferring the
transition to the WaitActRply:GoodSwipe state.

3. Reader times out waiting for Host to send Activation Challenge Reply
