MagTek Excella Windows API99875313 User Manual

Page 47

background image

Section 3. Excella API


DWORD SettingsBufferSize;
DWORD DocInfoSize;
char cValue [1024];
DWORD valueSize;
DWORD dwStatus;

// Intialize Settings

DocInfoSize = 4096;

// Use function MTMICRGetDevice to get device name for variable “device”
// Call MTMICRProcessCheck function to process a document.
dwStatus = MTMICRProcessCheck (device, Settings, DocInfo, &DocInfoSize);

if (dwStatus == MICR_ST_OK)

// Let us scan through all the key pair values returned in the DocInfo
DWORD sectionCount;
DWORD sectionIndex;

// Get total number of sections
if (MTMICRGetSectionCount (DocInfo, &sectionCount) ==MICR_ST_OK)

for (sectionIndex = 0; sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex)

char SectionName [128];

DWORD SectionNameSize = 128;

if (MTMICRGetSectionName(DocInfo, sectionIndex, SectionName, &SectionNameSize)



// Display the section Name

DWORD keyCount;

if (MTMICRGetKeyCount (DocInfo, SectionName, &keyCount) ==



// Display the key count

for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < keyCount; keyIndex++)


char KeyName [128];

DWORD KeyNameSize = 128;

if (MTMICRGetKeyName(DocInfo, SectionName, keyIndex,

KeyName, &KeyNameSize) == MICR_ST_OK)


// We now have the section and key, let us get the


char value [1024];

DWORD valueSize = 1024;

if (MTMICRGetValue(DocInfo, SectionName,

KeyName,value, &valueSize) == MICR_ST_OK)


