MagTek IMAGESAFE99875500 User Manual

Page 107

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This procedure is only for ImageSafe Software

installed with ImageScore optional feature.

The following steps describe the process of scanning a check to perform a set of tests on the scanned
image to ensure the image qualifies a number of quality and usability criteria specified by the X9.37

1. Find the attached ImageSafe device by using function MTMICRGetDevice.

2. Use function MTMICROpenDevice to open the device.

3. Prepare a process recipe for the device to read the check. This process recipe specifies the feeder

used to feed the check, type of image, resolution of image, and text for endorsing and/or franking,
etc. The process recipe is prepared using the MTMICRSetValue and MTMICRSetIndexValue
function. See Section 2, MTMICRSetValue for more information.

4. The Image QA tests are performed on black & white images only. To get the black & white image,

the process must have “BW” as the value for ImageColor key. The valid file type for a black &
white image is a “TIF”.

5. The Image QA tests are performed on the front side and back side of the check. The process

recipe, therefore, must specify a value of 2 or more for the Number key.

6. The process recipe is sent to the device using the function MTMICRProcessCheck. ImageSafe

reads the check with the given process recipe and returns the results to the Host application. The
result is stored in the third parameter of the MTMICRProcessCheck function. The result contains
only information of the process and information of the device. Information such as size of
scanned images and image identifier are included. It does not contain scanned data.

7. After ImageSafe reads the check, images are retrieved from the device. The image information can

be found in the buffer specified in the third parameter of MTMICRProcessCheck function, when
the function is returned. This buffer is contained in the ImageInfo section. The ImageInfo section
contains key/value pairs consisting of ImageSize and ImageURL. The value of a key ImageURL
is the ID of an image. The MTMICRGetValue and MTMICRGetIndexValue function are used
to retrieve the value of image ID and the size of an image from the ImageInfo section.

8. Images are retrieved using function MTMICRGetImage or MTMICRGetImages.

9. When images are ready to test, the process for Image QA Tests can start. The operation for Image

QA must be setup before the tests can run. Use IS_Initialize function to initialize the operation.
This function must be executed only once prior to running any Image QA tests.

10. Test metrics for Image QA Tests must be setup before running the tests. A default copy of

“SampleSetup.iss” is installed in the installation directory. This file “SampleSetup.iss” contains

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