elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part Two User Manual

Page 100

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Rotary n … @ -n
This sets the features of the currently selected fixtures connected to specific rotaries to a specific
value. If the FIXTURE FEATURES or GROUP FEATURES display is selected and thresholds are
selected, this sets the thresholds instead of the values. If a different display is selected, this always sets
the values without affecting the thresholds. An error results if the rotaries are connected to dimmers.

Stage Focus
Stage Focus [Fixture] n

These select the STAGE FOCUS display. The former selects the last referenced fixture, the latter
selects a specific fixture.

This stops any cue crossfading in the cue editor, chase playing in the chase editor, and macro playing
in the macro editor. It does not stop chases or macros playing elsewhere, such as in submasters. (Note
that this command is executed immediately, without waiting for Enter to be pressed.)

Store Chase
Store Chase n

These store the chase editor into a new chase, under the current number or a specific number, unless it
is empty. The second asks for confirmation if it conflicts with an existing chase.

Store Cue
Store Cue n.n
These store the cue editor into a new cue, under the current cue number or a specific number. The
second asks for confirmation if it conflicts with an existing cue.

Store Dimmer n.n
This stores the cue editor as a dimmer fader assignment. Subsidiary presets and feature presets are not
stored, and neither are any features not called Dim, since this is the only valid feature for assigning to
a dimmer fader.

Store Feature Preset n
This stores all features of the last referenced fixture that are present in the cue editor as a specific
feature preset. If that feature preset already exists, the user is asked for confirmation, and may either
overwrite it, merge into it, or cancel the operation.

Store Macro
Store Macro n

These store the chase editor into a new chase, under the current number or a specific number, unless it
is empty. The second asks for confirmation if it conflicts with an existing chase.

Store Preset
Store Preset n

These store the cue editor into a new preset, under the current preset number or a specific number.
The second asks for confirmation if it conflicts with an existing preset.
