elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part Two User Manual

Page 85

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This clears all macros from a specific submaster.

Clear All Preset
This removes all presets from the cue editor.

Clear All Preset Features
This removes all features from the cue that are supplied by the unfiltered fixtures and dimmers in all
presets. This allows all features in the presets to take effect.

Clear All Rotary
This removes the features of the current fixture corresponding to all the rotaries. For fixtures with
more than eight features, this will only clear up to eight features. An error results if the rotaries are
connected to dimmers.

Clear All Rotary Except n …
This removes from the cue editor the features of the current fixture that correspond to rotaries, other
than those mentioned in the command. Rotaries are numbered from one through eight. For fixtures
with no more than eight features, it is identical to Clear All Feature Except n …. For more complex
fixtures, it differs in that rotary numbers may be offset from fixture numbers by a multiple of eight,
and features that aren't connected to rotaries are unaffected. An error results if the rotaries are
connected to dimmers.

Clear All Stage Focus
This turns off Stage Focus for all fixtures in the cue editor. It is an alias for Clear Stage Focus (from)
All [Fixture].

Clear All Step
This removes all steps from the chase editor.

Clear Chase
This clears the entire chase editor, including all steps, the name, and the crossfade percentage. The
step rate is set to 120.

Clear Chase n … (from) Submaster p.f
This clears specific chases from a specific submaster.

Clear Cue
This clears the entire cue editor, including all fixture and dimmer features, the name, and the
crossfade time.

Clear Cue n.n … (from) All Step
These clear specific cues from all steps. Any steps that become empty are not removed.

Clear Cue n.n … (from) Step
Clear Cue n.n … (from) Step n …

These clear specific cues from the last step, or from specific steps. Any steps that become empty are
not removed.

Clear Cue n.n … (from) Submaster p.f
