elektraLite CP100xt Manual Part Two User Manual

Page 91

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Copy Dimmer Submaster p.f To p.f
This copies a single dimmer fader to another.

Copy Dimmer Submaster Page n To n
This is an alias for Copy Dimmer Page n To n.

Copy Feature n To n …
This copies a feature value to one or more other feature values within the currently selected fixtures.
This only copies a value if the fixture supports both the source and target feature.

Copy Feature n … [To] Fixture n …
Copy Feature n … [To] Group n …
These copy specific features of the current fixture that are present in the cue editor to specific target
fixtures or fixture groups in the cue editor. Any target fixtures or groups that are of a different type are
ignored. Features that are not present in the source do not cause the corresponding features to be
removed from the targets. Features are numbered starting with one.

Copy Feature Preset n To n …
This copies a feature preset, possibly to multiple targets, asking for confirmation if any of the targets
already exist.

Copy Feature Preset n … To n
This copies multiple feature presets to a contiguous range starting with a specified number, asking for
confirmation if any of the targets already exist. The source and target ranges may not overlap.

Copy Feature Preset n … [To] Fixture
Copy Feature Preset n … [To] Fixture n …

These copy values from specific feature presets to the selected fixtures, or to specific fixtures after
selecting them.

Copy Feature Preset n … [To] [Fixture] Group n …
This selects specific fixture groups, and then copies values from specific feature presets to them.

Copy Fixture n … (from) Preset
Copy Fixture n … (from) Preset n

These copy features of specific fixtures from the current preset, or a specific preset, into the cue

Copy Fixture n To n …
This creates new fixtures by copying an old one, asking for confirmation if any of the targets already
exist. DMX channels are assigned in ascending order, skipping over channels already in use.

Copy Fixture n … To n
This creates new fixtures by copying multiple fixtures to a contiguous range starting with a specified
number, asking for confirmation if any of the targets already exist. DMX channels are assigned in
ascending order, skipping over channels already in use.
