Apple AppleShare 3.0 File Server Controls User Manual

Page 74

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{ to detect server starts and wakeups}

bCSEHShare = 5;

{An HFS Share trap has just been completed}

bCSEHUnShare = 6;

{An HFS UnShare trap has just been completed}

bCSEHSetDirAccess = 7;

{An HFS SetDirAccess trap has just been completed}

bCSEHServerNameChange = 8;

{An attempt was made to change the server name }

{ (the attempt may or may not have been successful)}

bCSEHVolumePrep = 9;

{A new volume was just prepared for use with }

{ AppleShare}

bCSEHVolumeUnmount = 10;

{A volume unmount was attempted on an AppleShare }

{ volume }

bCSEHServerStartup = 11;

{The server just successfully started up}

bCSEHSessionTornDown = 12;

{A user's session was torn down because any one of }

{ a number of reasons, including a disconnect, }

{ server shutdown, timeout, or workstation initiated }

{ close session}

bCSEHOutOfSequence = 13;

{A packet was received out of sequence; the session }

{ may be a zombie}

bCSEHWksClosedSession = 14;

{A workstation closed its ASP session }

{ (i.e., it logged out)}
